Saturday, June 20, 2020

What is Fatty Liver (Steatosis)?
What is Fatty Liver (Steatosis)?

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About one of every five Americans has a fatty liver, which is also called steatosis. In fact, up to 9 of every 10 diabetics and people with obesity have fatty liver.

In steatosis, pronounced stee-ah-toe-sis, fat accumulates in the cells of the liver. The condition is cumulative, and as more fat is added to the cells, the cytoplasm of the liver is distorted. Soon the nucleus may be distorted and in some cases, the cell may even burst. Since all this extra fat is not supposed to be in the cell to begin with, you can imagine how the excess begins to interfere with liver function.

There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcohol-related fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Even without drinking a drop of alcohol, you could end up with a fatty liver - and many people do!

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Here are the details of each of these disorders:

Alcohol-related Fatty Liver Disease Alcohol causes steatosis, and the question many people ask is how much alcohol does it take to end up with alcohol-related fatty liver disease? The amount of alcohol differs for men and for women. If you're a woman, more than two drinks per day could cause alcohol-related steatosis.

If you're a man, three or more drinks a day is the amount that is far too much for the liver to handle. Twelve ounces of 5% alcoholic beer, cooler or cider is equal to one serving. When it comes to wine, 5 ounces of 12% alcoholic wine is one serving. And only 1.5 ounces of 40% spirits is a serving.

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease If you're not drinking any alcohol and still have steatosis, then the reasons why you ended up with it vary. For example, you could have had rapid weight loss, or protein deficiency in your diet (called protein malnutrition), or even starvation, such as what a prisoner of war might end up with. Those who have had intestinal bypass surgery are more prone to get steatosis, as are those who have to be fed via tube feedings for long periods of time.

Some drugs such as corticosteroids and tetracycline can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. And diabetes or insulin resistance plus high blood pressure may also be the cause of it.

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Our Proprietary‘Liver Purification Complex’

clinically-proven super-nutrients designed to detoxify andregenerate your liver, and dramatically improve your overallhealth and energy.

Typical Medications Used to Treat Fatty Liver Disease
Typical Medications Used to Treat Fatty Liver Disease

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When a patient has fatty liver disease, the doctor must evaluate the patient fully to determine how the fatty liver disease began. Is it because the patient was overweight or obese? Is the fatty liver due to diabetes and metabolic syndrome? Is the cause related to high cholesterol and triglyceride levels?

Thus, there's not one medication for everyone who has fatty liver disease. Instead, the answer may be medication to lose weight, metformin to bring down the blood sugar level, or statin drugs to lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

If the patient is obese, Orlistat systemic medication may be prescribed. This is a peripherally acting antiobesity medication. Another peripherally acting antiobesity agent is called Xenical. However, studies don't prove that these medications work to reverse the fatty liver disease. Plus, medications that cause rapid weight loss are suspect as to what other damage they may be doing in the body.

If the patient has diabetes, pre-diabetes, or metabolic syndrome, then Metformin is often the drug of choice. However, again, we do find that studies don't prove that Metformin is working to reverse the fatty liver disease.

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Statin drugs to lower cholesterol and triglycerides can cause a host of other problems such as a Coenzyme Q deficiency, related to muscle aches and pains and memory loss. Coenzyme Q is an antioxidant in the body, and by lowering antioxidant levels in the liver, you cannot really help the condition of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease needs high levels of antioxidants in order to reverse the progression of the disease. Medications that are in the category of statin drugs might contribute to fatty liver disease in the long run. Thus, you should be very cautious about using statin drugs when you have fatty liver disease.

The bottomline on the use of medications for fatty liver disease is that they can never be effective if you continue to eat an unhealthy diet high in fats, calories, salt and sugar. Only when you alter your diet and make it one that has nothing but healthy foods and beverages in it, and stop drinking alcohol will you begin to see improvement.

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Our Proprietary‘Liver Purification Complex’

clinically-proven super-nutrients designed to detoxify andregenerate your liver, and dramatically improve your overallhealth and energy.

Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

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There are several strategies that are used to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and facilitate the reversal of the condition. Below are 7 of them with an explanation of why they work:

1. Exercise
Exercise will help you lose weight, especially if you participate in some of the most advanced gym workouts that never give you more than a 30-second rest. These types of workouts use body weight for resistance, and include exercises such as push-ups and situps in various positions. The instructor discusses how you can do the exercises while you are still doing the previous set! Some people love this type of workout because they end up burning 600 calories in a session! Weight loss happens easily with this method.

2. Weight Loss Program
A weight loss program is essential if you are overweight or obese since it contributes to fatty liver. However, whichever one you select, you should make sure you can be committed to it. A failing diet means prolonged fatty liver - and your life could depend on the success of the diet.

3. Avoiding Foods with Saturated Fats
Medical professionals tend to believe that saturated fat is the culprit in fatty liver disease; however, they haven't kept up-to-date on the latest information. Saturated fat is stable in the diet and doesn't create the free radicals that accelerate the fatty liver damage and accumulation of fat. It's the unsaturated fats that are the culprits - vegetable oils, hydrogenated fats, and fats heated to high temperatures. Saturated fat is only a problem if you eat too much of it and pack on pounds.

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4. Controlling Cholesterol Levels
Some sources say that controlling cholesterol levels should be done with statins while other sources say that statins cause fatty liver. Cholesterol levels may be high because of low copper levels, low or dysfunctional thyroid, or an overall poor diet. It's best to attack the root cause instead of going after the symptom of high cholesterol.

5. Diabetes Control
The insulin resistance of diabetes contributes to overweight and fatty liver. Regulating your blood sugar levels is essential for fatty liver reversal.

6. Eating Low Glycemic Index Foods
Studies have shown that blood sugar levels are lowered significantly when a low glycemic index food diet is eaten. The term "low glycemic index" refers to carbohydrates. Grains are not low glycemic index, and neither are processed foods including macaroni, cakes, cookies, candy, high sugar fruits, potatoes, corn and sweet potatoes. Of course, protein and healthy fats are still allowed on this type of diet to round it out to a good healthy diet. Good healthy diets always contain protein, fat and carbohydrates, the ratio of them is what makes the biggest difference.

7. Avoiding Any and All Alcohol
Although someone with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease doesn't have the condition due to their sporadic intake of alcohol, eliminating alcohol is required in order to reverse the condition. Even a small amount of alcohol is a bad amount to consume because the liver is unable to process it and instead will accumulate the triglycerides in the alcohol in the liver. This will worsen the condition.

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Our Proprietary‘Liver Purification Complex’

clinically-proven super-nutrients designed to detoxify andregenerate your liver, and dramatically improve your overallhealth and energy.

Treatment of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (ALD)
Treatment of Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (ALD)

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There are several ways of treating alcoholic fatty liver disease, but the most important method is to stop drinking alcohol. This really does mean the total elimination of alcohol - all beer, wine, hard drinks, tonics and everything else that contains alcohol.

Alcohol damages the liver in several ways:

  • When you drink large amounts of alcohol, you begin to lose your appetite. Over time, you end up with vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to the development of fatty liver disease. Studies show that deficiencies of vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A, methionine, choline, vitamin C, and other B vitamins may be related to fatty liver disease.
  • The high amounts of calories in alcohol can pack on the pounds. Once you are overweight or obese, there is a great risk of developing fatty liver disease.
  • Alcohol damages the liver cells directly. It causes oxidative stress and generates free radicals that attack the liver directly. Free radicals are clearly related to fatty liver disease.
  • Alcohol damages the liver indirectly by increasing the space between the cells in the intestines so that substances can leak out into the bloodstream. From the bloodstream, they make their way back to the liver, and some of these toxins may start an inflammation reaction or directly damage cells.

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Giving up alcohol is easier than one may think if you approach it like you can approach giving up other bad habits - looking for the goodness and benefits that will replace what you will miss. For example, what types of activiities are you unable to do now? How's your endurance? How do you feel when you get up in the morning? Do you ever look into the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful (or handsome)? If not, this is simply where you are now but you won't be in the same place after your journey to health ends. Look for positive reinforcement along your journey, never the things you are missing. 

Part of the treatment for alcoholic fatty liver disease includes switching to a healthy diet. This is a diet full of leafy green vegetables, fruits, wholesome grains, protein foods, and healthy fats without alcohol, sugar, processed foods, and high amounts of salt. You may notice an immediate improvement in the way you feel - within a week - just from a healthier diet. One thing to remember is that your body will respond quickly and it really does want to show you its regeenrative abilities.

Medications may also be used for alcoholic liver disease but no medications have ever been shown to benefit or reverse the condition.

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Our Proprietary‘Liver Purification Complex’

clinically-proven super-nutrients designed to detoxify andregenerate your liver, and dramatically improve your overallhealth and energy.

The Functions of the Liver
The Functions of the Liver

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Your liver is the second largest organ in the body (your skin is #1) and is located in your abdomen. To find your liver, you need to be familiar with the quadrant system of identifying the organs. In this system, you first draw an imaginary horizontal line underneath your ribs and another at the level of your groin.

Then draw an imaginary vertical line through your navel. These lines now separate your abdomen into four quardrants. The two quadrants on your right side are called the right upper quadrant and the right lower quadrant. The two quadrants on your left side are called the left upper quadrant and the left lower quadrant.

The liver is shaped like a triangle with a 90 degree angle and two 45 degree angles. The 90 degree angle is rounded and located under your ribs in your right upper abdomen. One 45 degree angle is located about 3 to 4 inches straight down from the 90 degree angle under your right ribs; the other one is located under the ribs in your left upper abdomen. The liver weighs about three pounds.

There are billions of liver cells in the liver, and it's good that there are, sincechemicals and toxins in the environment are constantly affecting the liver negatively. Luckily for us all, the liver has a pretty remarkable regeneration capacity. The most circulation the liver gets is at night, when your body is restorating.

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What else does the liver do? Below are 14 different functions of the liver but there are hundreds more!

14 Functions of the Liver You Might Not Know

1 Detoxifies Chemicals Like Herbicides, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, and Medications Your liver is your body's primary recycling center, changing and breaking down chemicals into safer fragments, recycling some for other purposes while discarding others.

2 Processes Nutrients From Foods Your liver collects and distributes nutrients as needed. When your body must create new proteins, the liver will assemble amino acids perfectly into what you need.

3 Secretes Bile For Digestion Your liver creates bile. Like detergent, bile emulsifies fat in the diet. Without being dissolved, fats can't be absorbed into the blood stream. Bile is stored in the gall bladder.

4 Stores Iron in the Body Iron is important for your endurance levels. All red blood cells depend on iron because these cells are not created without it.

5 Metabolizes Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins Every food and beverage you consume is processed and metabolized by your liver.

6 Provides Storage for Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Iron and Copper Each of these vitamins and minerals are essential for your health.

7 Controls the Production of Cholesterol Cholesterol is the precursor molecule for hormones, so your liver plays a role in hormone production.

8 Metabolizes Alcohol

9 Maintains Hormonal Balance By Breaking Down Hormones Hormones are recycled in the body by your liver.

10 Converts Ammonia into Urea Breaking down protein requires the removal of ammonia, and your liver has this job in the body.

11 Produces Immune Factors for Good Immunity

12 Stores Excess Glucose as Glycogen Sugars are converted to glycogen for use in the body at a later time.

13 Regulates Blood Sugar Besides your pancreas, your liver also plays an important part in controlling your blood sugar levels.

14 Creates Heat in the Body

15 Breaks Down Red Blood Cells That Are Old Your body's amazing recycle center in your liver will reuse the iron in the red blood cells.

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Our Proprietary‘Liver Purification Complex’

clinically-proven super-nutrients designed to detoxify andregenerate your liver, and dramatically improve your overallhealth and energy.

Taking Antioxidants Can Help Promote Liver Health
Taking Antioxidants Can Help Promote Liver Health

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The antioxidant vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. All these vitamins must be in adequate amounts in the diet in order to prevent deficiencies and all of them work together to protect and replenish each other. The antioxidants are important in prevention of many diseases, including fatty liver disease.

There are real reasons why taking antioxidants is a good idea when you have fatty liver disease. Obesity and eating too much of the wrong fats in the diet generate free radicals that cause fat cell dysfunctions and reprograms these cells genetically in a negative way. This leads to a low grade systemic inflammation and situation where the cells accumulate even more fat. It soon becomes a vicious cycle. Free radicals generated from this process will accelerate the progression of fatty liver disease.

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Obesity reduces the amount of vitamin C in the blood and the distribution of body fat in obesity has been shown to have an inverse relationship to vitamin C levels in the plasma. Thus, it appears that taking vitamin C supplements could play an important role in preventing or reversing fatty liver disease, since fatty liver disease is caused by obesity.

In one Chinese study, scientists reviewed all the medical studies and found that vitamin E supplementation reduced ALT and AST levels in patients who had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In fact, it optimized their levels, showing improvement in the condition.

In another study, the relationship between low levels of vitamin A in the body and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was uncovered. Up to two-thirds of obese subjects had low levels of vitamin A in the liver, and the lower their levels were, the greater the severity of their fatty liver condition.

When considering the addition of antioxidants in your diet, always remember that vitamin A, C, and E must be taken together and not singly. This way you can get the maximum benefits. Seeking the aid of a nutritionist to determine what levels your body needs is always the best solution.

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Symptoms of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Symptoms of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

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When someone has Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, there aren't any classic signs and symptoms simply because the disorder is a silent one. However, as the disease progresses, you may start to see many symptoms that affect the skin, brain and of course, the liver itself.

Fatigue is a symptom that could be seen in the beginning stages but this symptom is one of the ones that is never used as a clearcut symptom for any disease. There are hundreds of diseases that have fatigue as part of a whole list of symptoms.

As fatty liver disease progresses and more fat accumulates in the liver, more and more symptoms will begin to surface. Below is a list of some of them plus why they occur:

Loss of appetite - The liver cells are dying daily and the liver is losing its effectiveness at converting foods into energy as well as breaking them down.

Dark-colored urine - This occurs because pigments are being excreted at higher numbers than usual. Since the pigments are darker than the yellow coloring, the urine becomes dark.

Light-colored stool - This occurs because pigments are not processed as well by the liver.

Skin darkens - The pigments that are in greater number have to go somewhere so they are routed to the next large detoxification organ - the skin. The skin turns yellow and is called jaundiced.

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Bruising - The factors needed for clotting in the blood to occur are not created in high enough numbers anymore and the capillaries become very fragile.

Nosebleeds - Similarly, capillaries become very fragile without necessary clotting factors.

Fevers - Infections are more likely to occur, which are usually accompanied by a fever.

Overall poor health - The patient feels lousy, looks lousy, and starts to wonder if he will make it.

Swelling in the abdomen - The blood in the body is rerouted since the liver cannot handle the circulation. The veins aren't working as they should and a pooling starts in the abdomen.

Lack of sex drive - Sex hormones are not made in normal amounts and start to decline.

In non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the patient must be proactive and stay on top of all the new habits that need to be initiated to reverse the disease before it progresses to the point of no return - kidney failure, coma and death.

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Our Proprietary‘Liver Purification Complex’

clinically-proven super-nutrients designed to detoxify andregenerate your liver, and dramatically improve your overallhealth and energy.